
New Year, New Exhibitions, workshops and art!


2020 you where a challenge. As many artists did, I poured out my frustrations and stress into my art. Part therapy part pure creative drive. The combo produced some interesting work and a couple new series of works, explored the natural surrounds of my home and studio here in country Victoria, Being locked down forced me to stay close and notice the beauty that surrounds me. I developed a passion for hiking and through the many hours outside, it slowly started to influence my work. 2020 also saw my return to Melbourne Uni deferred to 2021, and I so look forward to getting back to class this year.

I have 2 new solo exhibitions for 2020, one held in Napier New Zealand in Jan, and one at Brunswick gallery in Melbourne in June. Both are featuring my textile work that I have been exploring for the last 12 months.

The studio is open for workshops, professional development sessions and for collectors to view the work. Please just get in touch to make a time to visit.

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